Fighting the temptation!

So this week at work, our Administration is having their annual open house.  This open house consists of food and LOTS of it.  Employees make different dishes for the entire staff and it's a great way to take some time out of our busy days and reconnect with co-workers that we may not have seen or chatted with in a while.  The bad part with this is most of the food that is made is sweets and other things that would make Andy, my trainer, yell at me for a solid month straight.  Aside from the open the Parent-Teacher organization had a teacher appreciation in our lobby today.  And where there is gatherings of this type, there was also, you guessed it, FOOD.  Lots and lots of sweets and other goodies made by the parents of the day school. 

Even though I take my turn indulging in these treats this time of year, I feel really guilty at the same time.  What am I going to a personal trainer for and setting all these fitness goals if I am just going to screw myself over in the process?  Am I that weak of a person that I'm TOO tempted by a brownie?  I've always had that mentality though, ever since I was a little boy.  Usually if treats are presented in front of me, I'll eat them.  I was talking to Andy yesterday during our session and I brought up the fact that even though I have made positive gains, it's just never enough.  You're always wanting more.  A bigger chest and biceps.  Stronger legs.  And even when you get yourself to that point, you again find yourself wanting to get bigger and stronger.  Now I know that I'm never gonna be as huge as ARNOLD, but I am trying to get a little bit bigger and more stronger.  It just seems like with all these gains that I'm making, I'm running around in circles in a way. 

People have a natural want about them to obtain and get things that are seemingly out of reach for themselves.  This is just one of those cases.  Trying to stay discipled and on track is hard for even the buffest of bodybuilders to do, it's just the way our brains and bodies are wired.  To leave you always wanting more.  It's amazing the friends that I have who are so disciplined with working out but have very little tolerance for others things in their lives'.  I want to find the balance between all facets of my life and just live comnfortably within myself. 

However, in a charmatic view of things, I do think that going to the gym regularly has given me a sense of direction and purpose with my life and it's direction.  It has shown me my new career path in life as a Physical Therapist and am very excited to start treating clients and to help aid them on the road to recovery. 

My adivce:  Find your balance, everything else will come into place eventually.  And as always, YOU are your own worst enemy when figuring things for yourself out.  Consult those you look up to and surround yourself with the people you wish to become and emulate. 
