I just got done talking to my mother about some things and she proceeded to tell me that she saw my grandmother in Target. This grandmother passed away just this February. I've always thought about what the after life would be like, what I would do, things and people that I'd see. Over the years, this is a topic that has been brought up on occasion. I mean, this is the last chapter for all of us in the story of our lives, right? It's funny how people have mostly similar, yet different points of view on what happens when we die, how we get to wherever we're going and what happens when we get there.
Personally, as a Catholic, there are some ideologies that I do believe and some I don't. Religious scholars have spent centuries trying to understand and answer this question: What happens after you die? I try not to think of it as an ending point. We all heard the phrase, 'Ashes to Ashes and dust to dust' but have you ever really thought about the weight of that phrase? Physically, yes, our remains wither and will eventually become dust. Spiritually, I believe that our 'form' does ascend somewhere, whatever name that you have for it is just fine.....heaven, the rainbow bridge, home, etc. I think on some level, every person in this world believes there is some sort of afterlife. Janet, a woman I work with, has stated on more than one occasion what she wants to have happen when she dies. She wants to be reunited with all the people she loves and she wants to sit in a big movie theater and watch all the good moments in her life that she has forgotten.
As a kid and even now as an adult man, I'm scared to death of, well, death! But these days, I'm actually a little excited about having the prospect of one day, seeing everyone that has passed. I remember I had a dream once when I was in college, I was in a hospital room and all these people were standing around me, crying. I didn't know why because I couldn't hear anything that was going on in the room. The next thing I knew I was in a bright place, kind of like a tunnel only the brightness enveloped my entire being. Then, after walking a ways, I came upon this bridge that went over a little stream of water. As I passed over the bridge, I was met with the most beautiful place that I'd ever seen before. It was peaceful, calming and somewhat mysterious but I knew that I wasn't to be afraid. That is when I woke up to real life again but I remember that dream like it was yesterday.
Personally, as a Catholic, there are some ideologies that I do believe and some I don't. Religious scholars have spent centuries trying to understand and answer this question: What happens after you die? I try not to think of it as an ending point. We all heard the phrase, 'Ashes to Ashes and dust to dust' but have you ever really thought about the weight of that phrase? Physically, yes, our remains wither and will eventually become dust. Spiritually, I believe that our 'form' does ascend somewhere, whatever name that you have for it is just fine.....heaven, the rainbow bridge, home, etc. I think on some level, every person in this world believes there is some sort of afterlife. Janet, a woman I work with, has stated on more than one occasion what she wants to have happen when she dies. She wants to be reunited with all the people she loves and she wants to sit in a big movie theater and watch all the good moments in her life that she has forgotten.
I'd like to think that when I pass on, I'm in very little pain, and that I'm surrounded by my family and friends that I love. I believe all of us are spiritual beings and that although, no one wants to die, our spiritual selves will be ecstatic to return home.
Why do we die? From a karma standpoint, just like being born, people need to be able to die. It's just the way things are set up. But if you believe in The Bible's teachings, then you believe that one day we all will be reunited with our physical bodies again to live forever in peace and harmony.
Back to my mom and seeing my grandmother, it's very comforting to know that even if it wasn't my grandmother's spirit coming through in this little old woman in Target, it makes you wonder if some sort of divine intervention cam into play. You see TV shows and read articles about supernatural things all the time anymore, people just find these things fascinating. I do believe that the spirits are all around us, comforting and protecting us each day. When I was sick in the hospital as a kid, I think some heavenly help was delivered to me to get me through my time of need. So why is it so far-fetched that she saw my grandmother's presence in this old woman?

Whatever your views on death are, know that they are valid thoughts, whatever they may be. But also keep in mind that life is the easy part too. I think this life is just the precursor for what's to come later. And if you don't believe in any kind of post-life existence, let me conclude with this. I had a friend in college once who's name was Terry. We talked about this subject once and he said to me something that stuck with me to this day: One of Issac Newton's laws says that energy cannot be created nor destroyed. Well if each of us are just energy, do we really cease to exist when we die? We all came from somewhere, so in turn, each of us has to end up somewhere as well. What do you think?
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