Flashback to 2 weeks ago......my neck started hurting. No biggie, I just attributed it to allergies and sleeping a weird way the night before so I just ignored it. Little did I know that this was just the beginning of a snowball fight that would lead to a miserable battle on my part. To add to my annoying pain in the neck, I also found out that the final class I need before entering Physical Therapy school doesn't jive with my job schedule, because they only offer the class at ONE time....that's right, one. Well played CCAC, well played. Then the real bad stuff started to happen. My car crapped out on the highway and I had to have it towed. After needing a new transmission, which wasn't cheap, the car was on the fritz yet again about 4 days ago on my way home from work and had to get towed yeat again. This time I had to ride in the tow truck to the garage and let me tell you, the driver looked like he had crawled out from under a rock that was in the movie, "Deliverance". After all that rigamaroll, I'm not done yet. The hard drive on my computer crashed and the Geek Squad was definitely of NO assistance. I just wanted to scream when this happened.

Amid all these things, that are very trival and trite, I'm often reminded of the things that are going right for me in my life right now. They may not seem like much to other people, but to me they mean the world. I have my health (I got an EKG this afternoon, so this is confirmed, lol), my wonderful and supportive family, my friends - most of whom I consider my extended family, my job, which I adore and am very excited about advancing in, in the near future. I also am thinkful for the opportunities to go to school for one of my recently found passions in the past few years, Physical Therapy. I can't wait to start practicing what I've been reading about and watching the PT's at work do, and the hands-on training I've been privy to experience is helping me bundles in my coursework. It also helps that alot of my friends are in health and fitness fields themselves.
I was out with my friends Leah, Jen and Anthony the other night and as I was sitting in the crowded bar, talking with them about the happenings going on in their corners of the world and such, I was so grateful that these people entered my life. It's very rare in life that you find people that you connect with on a level of intellect as well as socially. The great thing about us four is that we text each other 'good morning' texts and throughout the day to motivate each other. I love the fact that we do this just for the fact that it gives me a good feeling to know that, other than my family, there are people out there that care about me:)
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