It's that time of the year again, friends start to leave for college, I start back to my teaching, as well as my own school and things begin to get more routine. Now don't get me wrong, this summer was the best one I've ever had. I had a lot of firsts: I flew on a plane for the first time, went to a wedding in San Juan, PR and was very active in general and did a lot of things with my family and friends. I'm a rare breed though. When I return to my teaching job, you tend to hear the same remarks from the staff, "How was your summer?" Usually, the reply is something along the lines of "It wasn't long enough" or "If I had just another week..." Well, how long do you want??! Teachers, including myself, are a funny group of people. For people who get major holidays and not to mention a solid three months off every summer, we sure can be very demanding.
Personally, I like things when they're routine. But, I also hate when things end too. I'm a Gemini and I'm double-sided, what can I say? Now, I know that a few days after my students return and I'm back in the swing of things, the complaining will start from me, too. It's perfectly normal to complain about things, it is sometimes the only way you get through things. And, it also creates bonds and friendships with your can have a bitch fest together!!!!
I love the first week back. Mainly because there are no students and the feeling is a lot more relaxed and laid back. Seeing old friends has become somewhat of a hobby of mine and I try to meet with people from my past as much as makes me happy and the feeling I receive from it is one of comfort. So it's no surprise that I enjoy seeing my coworkers after the break and like hearing about what they did over the summer. During the In-Service week, we have meetings, discuss student goals and prepare our classrooms for the students the following week. I have an awesome classroom team, which I have spoken about several times before on this blog. So, it's no shocker that I have positive thoughts about returning. And I'm sure that I'll be one of the many few who does! At least for the first few days!

Another thing that's starting in about two weeks is school for me at CCAC, continuing my Physical Therapist Assistant's degree. The more I'm exposed to and learn about this field, the more excited and anxious (in a good way) I am about finishing the degree, but I still have a long ways to go yet. This is another funny thing...I was thinking to myself the other day, how wonderful it is that my interest, goals and even friends are pretty much aligned across the board. For example, if I have a question about something I'm learning in my PTA classes, if one person doesn't know the answer, I know I have at least ten other people I can go to for the answer. I suppose it's not all THAT uncommon though. People tend to gravitate to others who share the same interests, goals, etc. I just find it funny because I never saw myself working in the fitness field ten years ago. But, as you readers know, I wouldn't trade it for anything.

This time of year marks a shift and seasonal changes at Kennywood as well. This is the time in the season where school picnics have ended, as well as most ethnic days. The focus is now on Fall Fantasy parades and beginning to prepare the park for Phantom Fright Nights as well as Holiday Lights. This time of year always makes me a little sad, due to the fact that most of my friends go back to college and whatnot. But I think now that I've started the process of establishing myself as a young professional, have a stable, adult group of friends and career....this year is a while lot easier. And truth be told, the time away from the park is very short lived now, with the addition of Holiday Lights. So we basically have from January to mid-April off. With everything going on during those months, the time flies.

SO anyway, with all this talk of my goals and aspirations for this upcoming year, what are YOUR goals? What lengths will you go through to reach them? Sit down and pick a goal, just ONE. Then write down your top three reasons for why you want to accomplish the goal. Writing the goal down makes it tangible, something you are able to see and sticks inside your brain that you will think about from time to time. I sat down for drinks with my great friend and mentor last night, Jimmy. I was discussing my new BeachBody Coaching endeavor and wanted his take on it. Jimmy is the Director of Personal Training for Alexander's Athletic Club here in North Huntingdon and was my first Personal Trainer, so I trust and value his opinion. I honestly though he wouldn't know too much about it but I was wrong. He gave me his advice and ideas about some things, which I appreciated greatly.
That's what people need to do if they're walking a tight rope with something, network. Find out someone else's take on things. Nobody in a powerful position ever got anywhere in life without consulting others for ideas. Or making sacrifices, for that matter. I know I wouldn't have gotten to do half the things I've done or have had the opportunities I've gotten in my life without taking some sort of risk and making sacrifices. Look at your life in a long term perspective. Ask yourself, "How is this decision going to affect me in 1, 5 or 10 years?" Don't focus so much on the current moment but more so on your future years.

What do you think is the number one problem people have when goal setting? Procrastination. This concept is as normal and instinctive as anything else, the trick is to be able to manage it correctly. My BeachBody Coach, Melanie, gave me a book titled, "Eat That Frog". In the book, the author gives tips and tricks to help manage your goals and those 'to-do lists' that usually never get done. Here's what I've learned from the book so far:
1.) Be as specific as you can when goal setting.
2.) Make lists for each day of what you need/want to get done.
3.) Procrastinate on smaller things, not large priorities.

Also, I've found that keeping positive-minded people around you helps. This may be easier said than done in some cases but maybe that may be a red flay for you to take a look at who your friends are and weed out the negative and 'toxic' ones that tend to be a Debbie Downer. I've had to let go of those people who 'didn't want to be bothered' with my friendship and did nothing but criticize everything, but it needed done. I can't b e friends with people who don't respond to me or what I'm trying to get across to them. That's not how I operate. I have to feel like I'm needed and can be of use to them in some way. Does this sound familiar to you? If it does, I would certainly consider taking a long look and re-evaluating your 'friends'.
Now I know this entry has bounced from topic to topic without any real semblance of order, but one thing I hope you get from this is that no matter how far-fetched your ideas and aspirations are....go for them. Never let anybody hold you back or tell you it can't be done. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter because you know in your heart that you are doing what you think is right. As cliche' as it sounds, it may just be the jolt you need to start to goal setting wheels in motion!
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