Most people would say that we compete due to instinctive drives set upon us from the beginning of time. We are animals after all, so one would tend to reason that we have certain ways of being that mimic animal behavior. Pack mentality, 'eat or be eaten' mentalities often show themselves in our society when we want to show off, defend ourselves, etc. Sizing up people is as old as the Earth itself. In today's world, this practice has taken on a while new meaning. Mostly, it's about how much 'stuff' you have; money, clothes, cars, success, etc., people view your social status by your stuff and how much you are able to accumulate in your life. Having things is great but the phrase 'you can't take it with you' comes to mind at this point. Why keep on buying things if only to find out that when it's all said and done, you leave a crap load of stuff behind for your family and loved ones to decide what to do with it all? My family is sort of dealing with this with some of my grandmother's stuff right now. Do you keep things for sentimental value or not? My mother had offered me at one point my grandmother's house, for example, to help me out in lieu of looking for an apartment. I took a long time considering it, but wan't sure I could handle it emotionally. My grandmother was one of my best friends and the thought of living in her house without her there I think would be overwhelming for me. Sure, I probably would get used to it but it would still feel like her house, not mine. I also want to be able to start fresh, with a space that is new, to me at least, with no ties emotionally. But, selling the house for my mom I'm sure will be tough because she grew up there and probably has a lot of memories, both good and bad to draw back on.

A lot of 'sizing up' behavior is gender-based and being male, it's pretty much the essence of our being, even if we're not thinking about it. Us guys have a way of turning something very innocent into a contest. Think about it, whether it be work promotions, sports, family, etc., we're always competing. Survival of the fittest definitely is in our blood thanks to our biology and past ancestors. And when we're competing, it's usually not subtle wither...we want all the attention to be on us! The more attention, the better.

I was watching 'Rehab w/Dr. Drew' earlier tonight, and as the patients told their back stories, it's amazing to hear how many of them had negative stigma's that had to do with looking better than other's and not being as good as other people. It's amazing how much those images, words and scenarios have an impact on the people we are and who we become. The ideals of our perceived perfection are all around us. On television, billboards, magazines, the internet, etc., and for what? To put up 'normal' people down, for not living up to society's standards of what it is to be perfect? Give me a break, if starving yourself and taking diet pills everyday makes you feel sexy, you have a perfectly misguided notion as to what being 'healthy & sexy' is. I'm no gym nut, but I do enjoy going about 2-4 times a week. It's gives me a high on life I don't think you can get from a drug, especially not the effects anyway. I also do it for the health factor. Why do people want to live life going in and out of a doctor's office all the time? I know people have pre-existing conditions and other issues they can't help, but for a vast majority of the population, it's all comes down to laziness, lack of money and access to a facility. But that's the thing, you don't need to work out in a fancy gym to get healthy...take a walk, find your own weights and lift them, etc. I don't think there is any excuse for you as a otherwise normal individual, devoid of other diseases, disorders, not to owe yourself a solid and active lifestyle. If not for yourself, for those that love you and want you to succeed. That was part of why I did it, I didn't want to just be average, I wanted to stand out. Be that person who walks into a room and heads turn, and although they don't do that yet, I'm getting there, on my time and I feel great.
Whether you are where you want to be right now in your life or you are still walking along the highway looking for your exit ramp to turn off onto, one thing is for sure, getting there is have the fun. You may experience some bumps and bruises along the way, but learn from them, get up and start off again. Take the road less traveled, you might be surprised if it starts you on a totally different path in your life than you originally intended.
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