It just only seems like the ball dropped on 2012 and now here we are saying farewell to it in a few days. I can honestly say that this year, I had a few firsts and a lot of great memories. I've met a few people this year that I am happy to say I've welcomed into my own little 'family' and pray that they stay with me for years to come. As for 2013, I like many have resolutions that I hope come to fruition in the coming year, not only for myself, but for the world. Preparing for the New Year is important, but I think New Years' is also a time to reflect on where you have been and look back on the experiences in the past year that have added to making you the person that you are now. Hopefully, what you have been through in the past year has made you a better person and put you in a much better position than 365 days prior to today. Here's what I have learned this year....get ready for the recap kids because it starts now!
Early on in 2012, things were pretty mundane for me, not in a bad way, just ordinary, lol. I had a good job, that I still have to this day:), I was attending school pursuing my Associates Degree in Physical Therapy and I had a good circle of friends. The first major setback of the year came in early February when my grandmother of 90 passed away suddenly. This woman was one of my best friends.....someone who I could share anything with and I know that she would understand and support me. One thing that helped me through my grief a lot faster was that I had people, some of who I knew and some I really didn't! But by the power of Facebook, they had found out about my circumstance and sought me out to find out how I was coping. One person who did this was my good friend Leah, who up until that point in February, I had never spoken to but knew of her through mutual friends at LA Fitness where I am a member at. That moment sparked a great friendship that I have to this day. It's amazing how good things can come from your bad circumstances, but they do! Through Leah, I have met more great friends that I now consider family and for that I am grateful:)
I've also gotten more into charity work with the Penn State Alumni Society this past year and supporting THON, a 46-hour Dance Marathon at Penn State University Park benefiting Childhood Cancer Research at the Hershey Medical Center at the Penn State Hershey Campus. This is something that everyone should see at some point in their lives. Thousands of Penn State students raise money through the year via canning on the streets, fundraising and events, all leading up to the grand finale in mid-February when they have a HUGE party at the Bryce Jordan Center for the students of Penn State, the cancer kids and the Four Diamonds Families. Throughout its history, THON has raised more than $89 million dollars to fund research and provide relief to the families that are supported by the Four Diamonds fund. I had the honor this year to attend the Blue & White Ball that raised money for THON at Jay Verno Studios in the Southside with my friend Kristen, her sister and husband and her mother. It was inspiring event to be at and can't wait for February 2013 when I attend again!
The next few months were kind of slow but I did have a goal in mind though....get in shape for my best bud's wedding in July in San Juan, Puerto Rico. This year I have to say for myself that I have pushed myself to the limits physically and am very happy that I have. Although, I have a lot more work to do (Who doesn't, right?), I am very pleased with the results so far. I don't think I could've made the strides that I have without the help of my trainers: Andy, Robbie, Paulo and Tom. These guys know what they're doing and they do it damn well. They also make working fun too. They each have there own techniques and styles for how they train me and trust me, some days, I'm not an easy person to work with! In previous blog entries, I've spoken about a few experiences with some of these guys before but if you even get the chance to workout with a trainer for a needed edge or just sheer curiosity, DO IT! Not just for the motivation factor but for the instant feedback and advice on how to take your body to the next level. I've also, aside from training, taken up spinning classes with my recently new friend, Elana. I met Elana through my buddy Sam, another trainer at LA Fitness, who is his girlfriend during the summer. She is such a positive influence and a powerhouse in the gym! She can lift more than weight than some grown men I've seen! Even when I don't feel like doing much in the way of spinning and such, she is always there with a magnetic attitude that makes you want to go the extra mile!
Back to my buddy Matt's wedding. I told about firsts at the beginning of this entry right? This experience was full of them. First time on a plane; first time out of the country; first time using my college Spanish in real life situations, ha, that went over well! The plane ride was nothing short of amazing! The views that I was able to see through the window were awesome. And the smoothness of the ride was something I didn't expect to tell you the truth but I was comforted by the fact that I flew down with my friends Matt, Lori and Nick. Spending four days on an island was so great. The weather cooperated, I was able to get a lot of pictures of not only people but the scenery as well. The wedding was absolutely breath-taking and I was honored to have been apart of it. I wasn't even expecting to be in the wedding party, just to be present as a guest but as fate would have it, somebody wasn't able to do it and I was asked in June to be a groomsman and it was not only an honor but a privilege. My friends and I bonded over this trip, at least from my perspective, and were more like a family than a group of friends who have known each other for years. This trip also made me realize that these people aren't just temporary fixtures in my life but permanent people who I will share in joys, sorrows and triumphs with for years to come.

Speaking of weddings, I had the privilege of attending my other good friends, Matt & Lori's wedding in mid-October. There wedding was in Elk County, PA, in the Northern region of the state. Being fall, the colors from the leaves and the scenery was so picturesque. The only bad part about this wedding for me was that I was under the weather and not feeling that swift. but I knew that if I didn't go, I would regret it. I am so glad I made the 3-hour drive! Again, I took this as another bonding excursion with the extended family and our chance to re-connect with each other and hang out. The older I get, the more I like gatherings like this. I think it's important to be able to check with each other every now and then. To get away from the craziness of life and focus on what is really important in this life. I am so blessed to have these people in my life and I thank God every night for them before I turn in for a long nights sleep.
Oh, did I mention I turned 30 this year!? Talk about your firsts....and lasts, haha! I was actually dreading this birthday the entire year leading up to it. Not because I'd actually BE 30, but just to be associated with a number that didn't start with a 2 anymore. My transition from being a 20-something to a much more adult 30 has treated me kindly and I actually prefer being on this side of the coin for a number of reasons. I feel that people tend to take my opinion more serious and I am finally able to come into accepting myself, flaws and all. I've come to realize that I need to start taking myself into consideration FIRST, as I usually am regarded as being the 'fixer' for a lot of people. I figured out this year that I need to take the counselor hat off every now and then, regroup with myself on my issues and then help everybody else. It was a long lesson to learn and I'm still growing and figuring things out in this area but feel that this is a necessary change, not only for myself to do, but everybody at some point needs to put themselves first.
I've also taken on some new interests this year that I'm very excited about. I'm learning to express myself with my writing more and learning to take and produce great photos, some I've posted on this blog. I am a very expressive person and am always looking for new and creative ways to do this effectively. Some other things I want to accomplish in 2013 are to start taking ballroom dancing classes, Bikram Yoga, Pilates and a few other projects. You can never stop learning new and interesting helps keep your mind sharp.
So what's in store for good ole' Schess in 2013 you may ask? Well....I plan on continuing my Exercise Science degree this summer after taking this spring off to recollect and get things in order. I also plan to take my Personal Trainer Certification exam in February to begin doing something that I love....helping other people:) I also plan to continue my volunteer work with the Penn State Alums on various projects and to take some time each day to reflect on the days events and meditate more and find some peace. One big project that I would like to start this year, with the help of my family is transitioning out of my home and move into my grandmothers' house. I feel that this move is right, and although I know that the transition is going to take a LONG time, I feel that in the end, it'll be worth it, not only for me but for my entire family. I think it'll bring us all closer together.
Well, that's my personal 2012 in a nutshell. I may have left a few things out but these events are some of the biggies. I hope next year at this time, I can say that I've fulfilled most of what I set out to accomplish for myself this next year. Speaking of resolutions, what's yours? We all have goals and don't' you owe it to yourself to begin accomplishing them?
Early on in 2012, things were pretty mundane for me, not in a bad way, just ordinary, lol. I had a good job, that I still have to this day:), I was attending school pursuing my Associates Degree in Physical Therapy and I had a good circle of friends. The first major setback of the year came in early February when my grandmother of 90 passed away suddenly. This woman was one of my best friends.....someone who I could share anything with and I know that she would understand and support me. One thing that helped me through my grief a lot faster was that I had people, some of who I knew and some I really didn't! But by the power of Facebook, they had found out about my circumstance and sought me out to find out how I was coping. One person who did this was my good friend Leah, who up until that point in February, I had never spoken to but knew of her through mutual friends at LA Fitness where I am a member at. That moment sparked a great friendship that I have to this day. It's amazing how good things can come from your bad circumstances, but they do! Through Leah, I have met more great friends that I now consider family and for that I am grateful:)

Speaking of weddings, I had the privilege of attending my other good friends, Matt & Lori's wedding in mid-October. There wedding was in Elk County, PA, in the Northern region of the state. Being fall, the colors from the leaves and the scenery was so picturesque. The only bad part about this wedding for me was that I was under the weather and not feeling that swift. but I knew that if I didn't go, I would regret it. I am so glad I made the 3-hour drive! Again, I took this as another bonding excursion with the extended family and our chance to re-connect with each other and hang out. The older I get, the more I like gatherings like this. I think it's important to be able to check with each other every now and then. To get away from the craziness of life and focus on what is really important in this life. I am so blessed to have these people in my life and I thank God every night for them before I turn in for a long nights sleep.

I've also taken on some new interests this year that I'm very excited about. I'm learning to express myself with my writing more and learning to take and produce great photos, some I've posted on this blog. I am a very expressive person and am always looking for new and creative ways to do this effectively. Some other things I want to accomplish in 2013 are to start taking ballroom dancing classes, Bikram Yoga, Pilates and a few other projects. You can never stop learning new and interesting helps keep your mind sharp.

God Bless and Best Wishes in 2013!
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