1. I'm a frustrated performer. Back in high school & college, I performed in musicals, shows and other things. Anything from singing to dancing to pretty much making a fool of myself on stage. I had the time of my life doing those shows and performances and don't regret it one bit. Flash forward to present day, my job allows me somewhat of having a creative license. As a teacher to young students, you have to be something of an actor to make your lessons fun, upbeat & fresh. The frustration is that I would love to get back on the stage again and either act or sing again. Now I know, I'm still a young guy of sorts and have time to delve into the performance world again but I've got some things on my plate at the time that are more important, but you never know!
2. I laugh at EVERYTHING. Now anybody who knows me does know that I'm a funny person. I think you can't laugh too much and I try to find the humor in everything....even when it doesn't seem appropriate but does provide a way to break the monotony or sway the situation into more positive directions. So odds are, if you see me laughing for no reason, don't even question it. It's just me creating a joke in my head. lol.
3. I am a Law & Order: SVU fanatic. And I'm even watching it as I type this blog right now. I got hooked on this show when I was in college pursuing my Social Work certificate. At the time, I wanted to be a caseworker for children and I was employed by Pressley Ridge as a Nightwatch Counselor. During my employment, I had to stay awake all night long to ensure the safety of the residents/staff of the facility. SVU was always on the USA Network in the wee hours of the morning so I always watched it. I'm at the point where I know the dialogue to each of the shows. And my favorite character on the show is Detective Elliot Stabler, played by Chris Meloni. Just in case you were wondering.
4. I also watch WWE every chance I get. It's in your face. It's raw. Yeah, most of the show may be scripted but from everything I've seen about it, these guys take major hits. It's every guys' 'Male Soap Opera'.
5. I trust my friends implicitly. Until they betray that trust in some way. People come into your life for a reason and the ones that leave an impression on me the most, I try my hardest to keep around. People always tell you that the older you get, the less friends you have due to marriages, expanding families and priorities. At 30 years old, I have a GREAT group of people that I am happy to call my friends. And an added thing you may now know is that if I have known you for over a decade, when I refer to you in conversation to people...odds are I'll call you a brother or a sister of mine.
6. I'm an old soul. Ok, most people do know this fact about me already. The wise old thinking, younger guy who loves the 1940's era, WWII mentality and hard working Americans. I sometimes think I was born in the wrong era, but haven't we all thought that from time to time?
7. I'm addicted to Baskin-Robbins Cappuccino Blast's. As an aspiring Personal Trainer, this is a definite no-no...but they're so good! Everybody always asks me what's in them and here it is: Cappuccino Mix, Vanilla Ice Cream, Milk and a few other things to make it extra special. I've been drinking this drink since 2006 and have no plans to stop anytime soon.
8. My spirit is tied to Ireland. For some reason, unbeknownst to me, whenever I see, hear or am immersed in anything that has to do with Ireland, I get a homesick feeling. You know the feeling of when you were a kid and away on vacation and just wanted to go home? Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. It's not something that I can explain, only that maybe in a past life, I was born and lived in Ireland.
9. I'm a die-hard morning person. I'm usually up during the work weeks at 4:30 or 5:00 AM and I LOVE IT! On the weekends, I usually get up around 7:30 or 8:00, depending on the time of the year too. During the spring and summer, I, like most, am more motivated to get out and get going.
10. My memory is like a steel-trap. I'm one of those people who remember events and things people say from YEARS ago. I don't know how I can recall so much 'useless' information but it is in there. Names of places, people....things people say that I hear...I remember a lot of it...probably things people wish or thought I have forgotten too, NOPE. It's still in there!
11. I've played a number of instruments. I've played the Tenor Sax, Clarinet, Bass Clarnet & currently, I still tinker with the upright piano at my house and yes, I can pound out a tune or two.
12. Structurally, I am a mess, lol. Due to my bout with Guillain-Barre Syndrome twenty years ago, it has basically left me 'twisted' and walking with a limp-like gait. Yeah, I've had Physical Therapy and work with my AWESOME personal trainers but there are just some things that you have to live with and this is my cross to bear. But if that's the worst of what I have to look forward to in my life, I think I'll take it:)
13. I know & understand Sign Language. This is something that I had always wanted to learn and yeah, I'm learning new material daily, it helps that I use Sign with my students daily to enhance their learning experiences. I've been known to sign hit songs and interpret them as well. Ask me, I'll be happy to do it for you!
That's just some of the things that you might not know about me. What about you? Are there things that people may not know about you that they would find interesting or shocking?
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