Do you notice a theme here? A year ago, I was days away from turning 30. A crucial moment in a person's life where they suddenly realize that they are a full-fledged adult. I dreaded this birthday and everyone that I knew had heard that very line from me. Maybe because I don't feel thirty; more like 22 (Enter Taylor Swift!) I'm really a big kid inside. I'm naturally curious about things, ask A LOT of questions and find joy in the simplicity of life special moments. It's very humbling, honestly. I know people around me who attract drama from all facets of life. I think there are those who actually enjoy it! It gives them a purpose to complain to people and turn the focus on themselves. Instead of enjoying dramatics, why not read or exercise? Find a hobby?! The sad part is is that drama never really goes away, no matter how old you get or how put together you are. Life is just one big high school campus and everything we do is one big popularity contest. Going back to me at 30 now!

Flash forward to this week and rounding out my 30th year. I'm beginning a year long Personal Training certification course to be certified as a NASM Personal Trainer. I am super excited about this new endeavor. Not only will I be reviewing traditional class instruction from a teacher, I'll also be working out and training 'clients', who are my fellow classmates. I'm going to embrace this tremendous experience 100% and I think this is sort of God's way of pointing me in the right direction. I've failed the ACE-PT exam three times before while studying for it on my own, so having a hands-on experience is going to help me a great deal. Of course, I'll be posting updates on my Tumblr blog. (http://schugarsfitnessjourney.tumblr.com)
Speaking of change, I've been thinking that I've always worked in careers that have been a catalyst for changing people. Any job that I've ever had, has been about enhancing a person's life in some way. Whether it's teaching, counseling, personal training or just being a great friend and listener, my main goal in life is to aid people who really need it. Because at the end of the day and life, for that matter, the stuff you have doesn't matter at all. It's just stuff. Where we go, we can't use an iPhone or a Nook. What I believe you can take are the memories you have of your life, the positive aura you exude and the spirit of an accomplished soul.

This entry has been about changes in my life that affect me, but what about you?? I hear it all the time...."I'd like to change BUT I just don't have the time" or "I have more important things to worry about". Excuses like these sometimes are legit but sometimes they can also be masks for our own personal fears. If the end result of you changing is a more positive one than where you are now...what are you afraid of? To quote my favorite Dr. Seuss book:
"Congratulations! Today is your day!
You're off to great places, you're up and away!
You have brains in your head and feet in your shoes,
and you can steer yourself in any way that you choose.
Congratulations, today is your day.
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