I'd be lying if I said that I've done all the things I've wanted to in my short 31 years of human existance because in my eyes, I haven't even scratched the surface yet. This world and this life offers so much in ways of experiences and adventures to delve into that in your life, you will only experience about .1% of all the interesting, innovative and downright cool things to try on this spinning orb. From seeing exotic places to trying new experiences to pushing your own physical and mental limits, the items on your bucket list are never-ending...for most people anyways. This entry isn't about personal training, anything in my personal life. Nothing like that. It's basically written to help you realize that things are never as bad as they seem and that you should take every opportunity to make all things in your life positive and possible.
For the most part, we are creatures of habit. We get up everyday, trudge into work, go home, eat dinner, maybe watch a little television and go to bed. Nothing too jaw-droppingly exciting. Although some people may see a life like this a secure, some may see it as a rut. There's a reason God has us work. Think about it. If you didn't have a job to go to you wouldn't have any money, friends or on a bigger scale, a purpose for living. A lot of people think that if you live to be a certain age, you should be just grateful to be able to get out of bed in the morning. Being only 31, I really don't know how it feels for an 80 year old to have that concern, but I can tell you from life experience and such, that I don't think that's the way it works. You have to have a reason for getting out of bed in the morning, something to motivate yourself to face another day of challenges and triumphs. I'm one of those people who loves to be busy doing things during my waking hours. I'll sleep when I'm six-feet under in my box. But on the flipside, I like to relax and take in the quiet silence around me at any cost. This work/relax thing is like a double edged sword because no matter what you are doing, you are going to screw yourself, whether it's emotionally or physically or both. I know that if I'm working, I'm usually thinking of all the other places in the world that I could be at the moment, usually saying out loud in my classroom to the other staff nonchalantly while looking at a map, "Oh God, look at all the other places in the world right now to be!" All the while in my head, dreaming of
doing things I enjoy. But on the other side of the fence, if I'm relaxing, have a day off with nothing to do, I immediately think of work and the millions of things that await me the next day when I go in early in the morning. Maybe it's because, I enjoy what I do or I'm fulfilling part of my life's purpose in some way. Human beings were created with an instinct to work, to learn, to spread knowledge and drive throughout the world. But here in America, we are literally working ourselves to death and it's something we need to recognize before you wind up in your own pine box. To sum all of this up: WE WORK WAY TOO MUCH! Turn off the cell phones and shut down the computers for a while and immerse yourself in life! It's quickly passing you by!!!!
So many people get to the end of the road in their life and regret the things they didn't accomplish or the things that they never got the chance to do because of one thing and another. On the same token, there are those individuals who like to lead their lives by playing it safe or not taking too many risks with things. I'm not going to deny that I'm a pretty guarded person when it comes to certain things, but I've learned over time that you can't wait for opportunities and such to come to you, you have to make them come to fruition NOW, while you still have the time. I don't want to be at death's door and regret the things that I didn't follow through with in this life. That's why I've made it a constant goal of mine to keep pushing my limits, just a little bit, to experience a taste of what this world really has to offer me. It makes me sad when I hear friends as well as family and other acquaintances say that they didn't get to do something because they were afraid of what people were going to think or say about them, or that fear overtook what laid before them. The thing about fear is that it's a fleeting thing. Anybody who ever has been afraid of something but still went through it will tell you that they are so much better for having gone through whatever it was that led them to the current path that they now are on.

Established by the Millard family, THON basically is a 47-hour, no sitting, no sleeping dance marathon held in the Bryce Jordan Center at Penn State University in State College for the children and families of the Hershey Medical Center in Hershey, PA. I was a part of the Penn State McKeesport Campus' THON Committee for 5 years and enjoyed every moment of it. You really

What I'm trying to get at here is that you have absolutely no reason to complain about your current situation, relationship or stupid grumblings from day to day. You woke up this morning and you're breathing, be thankful because somebody out there cannot even breathe on their own. You know what you have to do to make your life as rich and fulfilling as you want it to be. You can 't blame others for your unhappiness because it's YOU who is in the driver's seat. Quit talking about all the things that you want to do SOMEDAY and put them into motion now. What have you got to lose? What do you have to gain? You will never know until you do the work and take the first steps towards real happiness and joy. Open your hands and grab that brass ring. Start telling yourself, "Let's do this." And quit asking yourself, "If not now, then when?"
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