I don't think anybody has ever not said at one point or another that the experiences in their life hadn't had some sort of positive impact on where they are at this moment in time. Aaahh, life....you double-edged sword of both good and bad moments. String these moments together and you probably have a Danielle Steele novel for the most part. During the short years (yes, short.) of our existence, we go through a lot of different experiences, some good and some bad, that shape and mold us into the people we eventually turn into as adults. Some have it better off than others while some have been through the wringer, so to speak. But why???? Why do some people 'seem' to have it easier than others? Is it due to the fact that people who have been through trial after trial are here to teach the rest of us something? They say that God never gives us more than we can handle and yes, I do believe that, wholeheartedly. But on another idea, don't you just wonder why some bad things happen to good people or why a lot of awesome people see their demise way before their time should end?
This is not a dress rehearsal, folks; nor, is it your first time at the Rodeo. You can't re-shoot certain scenes from your life to re-create them into beautiful, perfect memories for yourself and those around you. When I look back on my soon-to-be 32 years on this spinning wheel, like everyone, I've experienced great triumphs and major setbacks. Would I trade what I've gone through for a life of perfection? Nope. Why would I? You shouldn't expect or even WANT a perfect life either. Let's go back to my above question for a second. Why do bad things happen to good people? There's something in the world called The Law of Attraction. Basically, it says that whatever you put your energy into: work, family, love, etc., is what you attract back to yourself. So on very general terms, if you give anger; you get anger. You give love; you get love.....and so on. But even if you give off positive energy, you may still get back negative vibes too. But John, didn't you just say...?! Yeah, I know what I just said but here's how the universe works: just because you're 'sweet as pie' or 'nice as spice', doesn't mean your thoughts aren't negative towards yourself as well as others. After any huge tragedy, this usually causes those affected to WAKE UP! They often reassess where they are in their lives and change whatever needs changing.....sometimes. During our daily lives, about 90% of us go
through the motions. We get up, go to work, come home, eat dinner, go to bed and then rinse and repeat the next day. A tragedy is a catalyst that causes us to open our eyes, rub off the dried, crusty tears and rock our worlds a bit. In the past two decades, we've heard and seen that we need positive change but most of what we recognize and vocalize, never or almost rarely comes to existence. Sure, we talk about equality for all people, for example, but what steps have we really taken to recognize that we are all just the same as everyone else? We can make laws, start charities and awareness groups but they can only go so far. Change comes only when we force ourselves to see the bigger picture not only from a worldview but from within. It's time to stop making those 'pie-crust' promises that Mary Poppins talked about and start following up on those you've made to yourself. Tell the negative voices in your head to STOP!!!!!
Each of us has a personal timeline that was created the moment that we were born. Everything after that point consists of all those high and low points I was talking about before. If you're like me, your timeline looks like a series of ups and downs in rapid succession (Picture an EKG readout of your heart). Now, we all want a happy life but here's the thing and it may seem a tad bit harsh. You are not totally entitled to a happy life. We all HAVE to and NEED to experience negativity at some point. Like everything in life though, it's about creating a homeostatic environment for these experiences to live in. Finding that comfortable space between good and bad forces that move in and out of our daily lives. You are not defined by your past and all those bad things that you've done are just that. Done. Everyday you wake up there is unlimited potential to make a positive influence on the people you interact with as well as yourself. Educate yourself and learn from the people and things around because they have something you need to move forward on your journey.
For instance, I was stricken by disease at a young age. To counteract the negative experience, I had a choice: fight or let it beat me to a pulp. Of course, I fought. Since that time, I created a role for myself for others: to be a comforting and positive presence and to be the son, friend, coworker that people say when I walk into a room, "That's the kind of guy I want to be like." Sure, I could've lay on the ground and let it consume me but I never made it an option for myself. In talking with my friend Sam last week about what I'd like to do with my Personal Training career once I graduate from NPTI in June, I mentioned about me wanting to train kids, teens and young adults. I explained to Sam that since I was a teacher to kids, I thought it would be a great niche for me to get into. Sam explained, in his witty way, that this demographic really isn't too popular if you're looking to specialize as a trainer. Sam threw out the idea that I should harness my own physical limitations and use that to find my niche. I know a few things about neuromuscular, spinal cord and brain injuries and over the past couple weeks, I think that's going to be where most of my focus is going to be at. The way I look at it, people are always going to need rehabilitation and hopefully one of these days, I'll be able to help with that. Inspiration can come from anything really. Anything that causes you to get up in the morning and do what you do, feed a inner fire or makes you happy. Most people search for a very long time to find out what inspires them about life and gives them a reason for getting up in the morning. Mine is pretty simplistic if you ask me. When I'm asked for example, why I want to be a personal trainer by some, my response is usually, "I just want to help people." Nothing fancy. No bows or ribbons or pretty boxes to enhance my answer. It's THAT simple. I think a lot of what
inspires me stems from the struggle that we as human beings go through on a daily basis. Let's face it, life can be and is at some points depressing, sad & downright cruel. There's a reason to get up in the morning and if you're lucky, it won't take you very long to find out what it is that makes you happy. Helping people has always come naturally for me, from listening to friends and dishing out advice like it is my job to helping people physically, getting them back to a functional level of existence where they aren't living with pain or improving upon their selves. No matter what the situation may be, there's a great deal of empathy that goes into my thought process when dealing with others.
Remember MTV's 'The Real World'? Well, before it was all about drinking and sex. There was one cast member on the 10th season - Back To New York in 2001, that had big dreams of being a WWE Superstar one day. The odds certainly didn't seem in Mike Mizanin's favor. Mike was from a small town in Ohio called Parma, close to Cleveland. One of the drawbacks to being from a small town a lot is that you really aren't exposed to much of the world within the borders of that town unless you go searching for a broader scope of experiences. On The Real World, Mike put his foot in his mouth more than once as most of us have at some point or another in our lives, the only difference for Mizanin was that when he ate his foot, the entire world saw it. After The Real World, Mizanin went onto to pursue his professional wrestling career by joining Ultimate Pro Wrestling (UPW) under the alias "The Miz", which he had used on The Real World as well. In 2004, The Miz entered into the 4th season of Spike TV's Tough Enough, a televised competition that would award the winner a contract with the Worldwide Wrestling Entertainment Corporation. Although he made it to the final round, he lost to his competitor, Daniel Puder for the contract. In 2006, Miz debuted as WWE's "Announcer" on Smackdown. And as time went on, he grew to become one of the biggest Superstars that the WWE contracts to date. This is just one example of how someone has a 'no holds barred' attitude when it comes to harnessing your dreams. This is just one example of how finding what inspires you can lead to accomplish great things in your life.
My take on things is there's no problem that is too big that can't be solved by talking about it. Communication is key when listening to people and helping them find their way. I know a lot of people who tend to shut down when they are faced with troubling times and keep everything bottled up inside. We all know that this is NOT the best way to deal with things. You need to find support for your problems because there is no greater prison than being alone with your own thoughts and take on how your situation should go. Talk to others to get a new and fresh idea on things. We weren't meant to go through this life alone, we were created to make relationships with each other and help one another.

through the motions. We get up, go to work, come home, eat dinner, go to bed and then rinse and repeat the next day. A tragedy is a catalyst that causes us to open our eyes, rub off the dried, crusty tears and rock our worlds a bit. In the past two decades, we've heard and seen that we need positive change but most of what we recognize and vocalize, never or almost rarely comes to existence. Sure, we talk about equality for all people, for example, but what steps have we really taken to recognize that we are all just the same as everyone else? We can make laws, start charities and awareness groups but they can only go so far. Change comes only when we force ourselves to see the bigger picture not only from a worldview but from within. It's time to stop making those 'pie-crust' promises that Mary Poppins talked about and start following up on those you've made to yourself. Tell the negative voices in your head to STOP!!!!!
Each of us has a personal timeline that was created the moment that we were born. Everything after that point consists of all those high and low points I was talking about before. If you're like me, your timeline looks like a series of ups and downs in rapid succession (Picture an EKG readout of your heart). Now, we all want a happy life but here's the thing and it may seem a tad bit harsh. You are not totally entitled to a happy life. We all HAVE to and NEED to experience negativity at some point. Like everything in life though, it's about creating a homeostatic environment for these experiences to live in. Finding that comfortable space between good and bad forces that move in and out of our daily lives. You are not defined by your past and all those bad things that you've done are just that. Done. Everyday you wake up there is unlimited potential to make a positive influence on the people you interact with as well as yourself. Educate yourself and learn from the people and things around because they have something you need to move forward on your journey.

inspires me stems from the struggle that we as human beings go through on a daily basis. Let's face it, life can be and is at some points depressing, sad & downright cruel. There's a reason to get up in the morning and if you're lucky, it won't take you very long to find out what it is that makes you happy. Helping people has always come naturally for me, from listening to friends and dishing out advice like it is my job to helping people physically, getting them back to a functional level of existence where they aren't living with pain or improving upon their selves. No matter what the situation may be, there's a great deal of empathy that goes into my thought process when dealing with others.

My take on things is there's no problem that is too big that can't be solved by talking about it. Communication is key when listening to people and helping them find their way. I know a lot of people who tend to shut down when they are faced with troubling times and keep everything bottled up inside. We all know that this is NOT the best way to deal with things. You need to find support for your problems because there is no greater prison than being alone with your own thoughts and take on how your situation should go. Talk to others to get a new and fresh idea on things. We weren't meant to go through this life alone, we were created to make relationships with each other and help one another.
Keep this in mind: It takes a lot of balls for someone to talk about their problems than to run from them.
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