A little over 33 years ago, my physical existence on Earth started. Back in the day in 1982 when I was born, the world's outlook on spirituality wasn't as evolved as it is today. A lot of folks these days when questioned about their religious beliefs usually answer, "I'm more spiritual than religious." But what does that really mean? Growing up, when I heard someone reference 'spiritual' things, I had a visual in my mind of potions, magical beings and things like that, stuff you would see in a Harry Potter book, I grew up and was raised in the Roman Catholic church and at that time in my life, I just went through the motions pretty much. I said all the prayers, sung all the songs but not really understanding the 'bigger picture' all that much, other than someone all knowing and powerful created me to live on Earth and do good things in my lifetime. This entry, by the way, is not intended to spark any kind of religious debate. This is just me telling you my personal story and beliefs.
So what is being spiritual as opposed to being religious anyway? Personally, I think that being spiritual means you practice all the things inside you that help make you a decent and honest person and promotes a healthy, vibrant and peaceful lifestyle for yourself and those around you. The older I've gotten, the more spiritual I've become in my thinking. With my current jobs centering around patient rehabilitation and client health/fitness, being positive and having a good 'mind-body' appreciation for spirituality comes in handy more often than not. Why? Because most people need to believe in something outside of themselves to accomplish a goal, be inspired or to gain an appreciation for the goodness of their lives. I don't think I'd be on my chosen path in life if I didn't have my beliefs to cling to, as everyone else.
I'm a BIG fan of Oprah's Super Soul Sunday programming due to the fact that it revolves around religion, spirituality and tapping into the essence that is inside all of us....our souls. One of my favorite shows, appropriately named, "Super Soul Sunday" features noteworthy people in the arenas of the Arts, News, Politics, etc. who have accomplished extraordinary feats, done great things for humanity and not in their chosen field just because the pay is good. At the end of the show, there's a segment called 'soul-to-soul' in which Oprah asks her guests a few questions about their opinions on life's BIG questions. It is very interesting to hear different perspectives about things that I actually ponder a lot. Things that often discussed teeter on the borderline of "What do you think the meaning of life is?" but without actually asking that question.
Dating a Buddhist has definitely opened my eyes to a different view on the current state of the world, on myself and what I'm doing right vs. what internal work I need to focus on at the current moment. For those of you who aren't familiar with Buddhist teachings, the full definition of Buddhism is 'a religion growing out of teachings of Buddha, that suffering is inherent in life and that one can be liberated from it by mental and moral self-purification.' I think this is spot on ------ the suffering that each of us endured in life, intentional or not, is there to teach us lessons about how to live, caring for others and the Earth and to place more emphasis on people, not material possessions or wealth.
So, what are the questions that Oprah asks her guests? From being a frequent 'Super Souler', I've found myself answering these as well and thought I'd share! Who knows? Perhaps the answers I give will inspire someone or cause them to explore deeper into the subject further. So.....here we go!
1.) What is the soul?
When I think of the soul, I think about how is it the aura and the essence of all things that are you at the core. The soul is your voice of reason and your internal guide through tough experiences and situations. Your soul is your direct link to your spirituality and if you listen very carefully, it will put you on the right path in your life and thereafter, as well.
2.) What Is Your definition of God?
To me God is truly my very best friend and one of the best relationships in life that I've ever had. There is no one being that knows me better and no one better to help guide and teach me about life's ups and downs. When things get tough, God is there and when things are going great, God is also there. He is in the wind, the sun and he's all around around us, breathing life into everyone and everything.
3.) Finish this sentence: "The world needs...."
The world needs to know that everything is going to be okay when whatever it is that you are suffering through is all said and done. The world needs togetherness and joy because I think the only way that things are going to improve in this world is if we start listening to people....really listening. We all want to have the chance to be validated and be heard.....and working from a place of love and not hate is a damn good place to start.
4.) I believe in.....
I believe the ability for everyone to make a difference in this world, no matter how small of a contribution they think they're making on our communities. I believe that we are at a very exciting time in our planet's history as well as a very confusing and scary time in which we need to rise up and be leaders, not followers. I believe in you, I believe in me and I believe that together we can.
5.) What do you think happens when we die?
I think when we die, all the mysteries of life become clear, all our fears are erased, we are able to spread our wings and finally fly free. I think we each will have a purpose in death as we do now in life but I think the purpose in the hereafter will have a greater need on humanity. I also think that you will most definitely be reunited with those in your life that have' graduated to glory' before you and that you will also learn about how you lived your life through the eyes of someone that you loved. In the end, it doesn't matter how much money I had earned, or if I made 10 million Facebook friends..... all that's going to matter is how I helped people. In my mind, that is total success in life.
6.) What is your secret strength?
I think that my secret strength is my ability to have a greater perspective on things in life based on what I've gone through in my personal life. I think I have a keen sense of being able to know and understand when a person needs help, assistance or a kind word.
7.) What is the greatest piece of advice you've ever gotten?
The greatest advice that I've ever received in my life came from my 9th Grade English teacher, Ms. Debra Tray. She said, "John, if you're going to be good at something, be the best at it."
What has spirituality taught me? I totally have a deeper appreciation for humanity and the compassion to help somebody in need. I've also learned that to really be a role model in this world anymore, you've REALLY got to know yourself and your desires first. Because you can't really guide someone else until you trudge your own way through the winding paths and make the uphill climbs in life. I certainly don't have all the answers to life's BIG questions, but I'll be damned if my legacy is going to be nothing short of amazing. I've got some great teachers in my life, helping to guide me to what I really want out of life.....happiness.
So what is being spiritual as opposed to being religious anyway? Personally, I think that being spiritual means you practice all the things inside you that help make you a decent and honest person and promotes a healthy, vibrant and peaceful lifestyle for yourself and those around you. The older I've gotten, the more spiritual I've become in my thinking. With my current jobs centering around patient rehabilitation and client health/fitness, being positive and having a good 'mind-body' appreciation for spirituality comes in handy more often than not. Why? Because most people need to believe in something outside of themselves to accomplish a goal, be inspired or to gain an appreciation for the goodness of their lives. I don't think I'd be on my chosen path in life if I didn't have my beliefs to cling to, as everyone else.
I'm a BIG fan of Oprah's Super Soul Sunday programming due to the fact that it revolves around religion, spirituality and tapping into the essence that is inside all of us....our souls. One of my favorite shows, appropriately named, "Super Soul Sunday" features noteworthy people in the arenas of the Arts, News, Politics, etc. who have accomplished extraordinary feats, done great things for humanity and not in their chosen field just because the pay is good. At the end of the show, there's a segment called 'soul-to-soul' in which Oprah asks her guests a few questions about their opinions on life's BIG questions. It is very interesting to hear different perspectives about things that I actually ponder a lot. Things that often discussed teeter on the borderline of "What do you think the meaning of life is?" but without actually asking that question.

So, what are the questions that Oprah asks her guests? From being a frequent 'Super Souler', I've found myself answering these as well and thought I'd share! Who knows? Perhaps the answers I give will inspire someone or cause them to explore deeper into the subject further. So.....here we go!
1.) What is the soul?
When I think of the soul, I think about how is it the aura and the essence of all things that are you at the core. The soul is your voice of reason and your internal guide through tough experiences and situations. Your soul is your direct link to your spirituality and if you listen very carefully, it will put you on the right path in your life and thereafter, as well.
2.) What Is Your definition of God?
To me God is truly my very best friend and one of the best relationships in life that I've ever had. There is no one being that knows me better and no one better to help guide and teach me about life's ups and downs. When things get tough, God is there and when things are going great, God is also there. He is in the wind, the sun and he's all around around us, breathing life into everyone and everything.
3.) Finish this sentence: "The world needs...."
The world needs to know that everything is going to be okay when whatever it is that you are suffering through is all said and done. The world needs togetherness and joy because I think the only way that things are going to improve in this world is if we start listening to people....really listening. We all want to have the chance to be validated and be heard.....and working from a place of love and not hate is a damn good place to start.
4.) I believe in.....
I believe the ability for everyone to make a difference in this world, no matter how small of a contribution they think they're making on our communities. I believe that we are at a very exciting time in our planet's history as well as a very confusing and scary time in which we need to rise up and be leaders, not followers. I believe in you, I believe in me and I believe that together we can.
5.) What do you think happens when we die?
I think when we die, all the mysteries of life become clear, all our fears are erased, we are able to spread our wings and finally fly free. I think we each will have a purpose in death as we do now in life but I think the purpose in the hereafter will have a greater need on humanity. I also think that you will most definitely be reunited with those in your life that have' graduated to glory' before you and that you will also learn about how you lived your life through the eyes of someone that you loved. In the end, it doesn't matter how much money I had earned, or if I made 10 million Facebook friends..... all that's going to matter is how I helped people. In my mind, that is total success in life.
6.) What is your secret strength?
I think that my secret strength is my ability to have a greater perspective on things in life based on what I've gone through in my personal life. I think I have a keen sense of being able to know and understand when a person needs help, assistance or a kind word.
7.) What is the greatest piece of advice you've ever gotten?
The greatest advice that I've ever received in my life came from my 9th Grade English teacher, Ms. Debra Tray. She said, "John, if you're going to be good at something, be the best at it."
What has spirituality taught me? I totally have a deeper appreciation for humanity and the compassion to help somebody in need. I've also learned that to really be a role model in this world anymore, you've REALLY got to know yourself and your desires first. Because you can't really guide someone else until you trudge your own way through the winding paths and make the uphill climbs in life. I certainly don't have all the answers to life's BIG questions, but I'll be damned if my legacy is going to be nothing short of amazing. I've got some great teachers in my life, helping to guide me to what I really want out of life.....happiness.
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