This is the time of summer at Kennywood where the 'kids' start to filter out and back into their collegiate lives' and leave the summer memories behind for another year. For someone like me, who has a "Big Boy" job and stays local, it's kind of a let down. When you spend 12-15 hours a day with the same people everyday, you become an extended family. You look out for one another's well being, you share in joys and sorrows, etc. My friend Karen and I were at the Bayern Kurve this evening when my 'brother' Nick came over to say his goodbyes to me, as he is done with his employment at Kennywood for the season and is going into his senior year at Pitt Johnstown. He gave me a big hug, we had a few words and he left. I turned around to face Karen and continue working and I said that all these goodbye's are sort of depressing. Karen was like, "Don't cry!" Of course I wasn't going to cry, Nick and I have done this before, obviously.
Nick and I - Christmas 2010 |
The thing about saying goodbye is that people usually see it as a finality. When you know that you are going to see people again, why do people choose to say goodbye all the time? I know that it is what we're taught in those early years of schooling. When someone leaves, you say goodbye. But why not just say 'see you soon'? The silver lining in all of these goodbyes are that there are people who are sticking around the local area, such as Karen and Joe. Joe is attending college at Pitt Greensburg, so basically he's up the road about 20 mins from where I live. And Karen is already planning shopping trips and coffee dates during the year so we don't get bored.
Me and my other brother, Joe |
But through all the cold, cold winter, I have things that keep me busy, my job being number one. And then there's the gym and various other activities and events to look forward to. Life just happens that way, when one door closes, all of a sudden, another is right there in front of you waiting to be opened. I feel truly blessed to have the chance to work with and be friends with some of the kindest, funniest and absolutely selfless people in both my jobs and I wouldn't trade my experiences for nothing. They've helped mold me into the individual that I am. God, I love these people. :)
My other family |
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