There are those times in life where, more often than we care to think about, that you go through hard times. Usually people gravitate to a few close friends and family, mainly because they trust these people more than their other friends and acquiantances. Through my life, I think I'd be considered one of these people. Is it because I'm an easy-going person who tells people what they want to hear? Is it because I'm charismatic and cool? Whatever the reason is, people obviously value my opinion enough to hear what I have to say. But being this type of person that people seek out for advice and guidance can be a good and bad thing.....depending on how each individual case is handled.
Supposed somebody comes to you with a problem, let's say from your best friend. He/She says their piece and now it's up to you to muster up some words that will put things in perspective and give your best friend a light at the end of the tunnel to run toward. But what if what they confided in you didn't seem right or you think that they should've handled things differently? Do you lie to save your friendship or do you tell the truth and risk them being mad at you for a while? Depending on the person, this situation could go many ways. Personally, I like to think when I helping people come to some sort of conclusion to a problem, the truth usually works out for the best. And yeah, I've had people get mad and defensive with me before but usually if you give them time, they come around.
The great thing about life is that we aren't all the same. Each of us holds special gifts, talents and personalities that make us truly unique and beautiful on the inside AND outside. With all the media telling us how to act, eat, dress, think and just be is mind-blowing and it's interesting to see just how much we do fall into the mess of trying to fit in with it all. We buy the best things, such as houses, cars, clothes, plastic surgery, spray tans...among others. We try to fit into the upscale social circles, dine at fancy restaurants. And the thing is that we all do it to some extent, even if we don't realize it. We do everything short of what it is we truly need to be doing and that is focusing on how we can assist in promoting the goodness of people and lending a helping hand or ear when it is necessary.
That's the thing about working with people in the world, you have to know how to talk and interact with ALL types of people. You can't be close-minded. Open your world and mind to the possibility that the words of Anne Frank hold true...that every person on earth is basically good. No matter where we come from and no matter what experiences that each of us have, we are more alike than unalike and the more each of us come to see that, the better off the world will be.
Everyone wants to have a chance to be heard and validated by someone....are you willing to listen?
Supposed somebody comes to you with a problem, let's say from your best friend. He/She says their piece and now it's up to you to muster up some words that will put things in perspective and give your best friend a light at the end of the tunnel to run toward. But what if what they confided in you didn't seem right or you think that they should've handled things differently? Do you lie to save your friendship or do you tell the truth and risk them being mad at you for a while? Depending on the person, this situation could go many ways. Personally, I like to think when I helping people come to some sort of conclusion to a problem, the truth usually works out for the best. And yeah, I've had people get mad and defensive with me before but usually if you give them time, they come around.
The great thing about life is that we aren't all the same. Each of us holds special gifts, talents and personalities that make us truly unique and beautiful on the inside AND outside. With all the media telling us how to act, eat, dress, think and just be is mind-blowing and it's interesting to see just how much we do fall into the mess of trying to fit in with it all. We buy the best things, such as houses, cars, clothes, plastic surgery, spray tans...among others. We try to fit into the upscale social circles, dine at fancy restaurants. And the thing is that we all do it to some extent, even if we don't realize it. We do everything short of what it is we truly need to be doing and that is focusing on how we can assist in promoting the goodness of people and lending a helping hand or ear when it is necessary.
That's the thing about working with people in the world, you have to know how to talk and interact with ALL types of people. You can't be close-minded. Open your world and mind to the possibility that the words of Anne Frank hold true...that every person on earth is basically good. No matter where we come from and no matter what experiences that each of us have, we are more alike than unalike and the more each of us come to see that, the better off the world will be.
Everyone wants to have a chance to be heard and validated by someone....are you willing to listen?
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