Did you ever just feel like you were destined to do nothing but help other people? To be a guidepost for others' to look to to help make their way through something or get somewhere? That's how I've been feeling lately. A lot of people I know are needing advice and a listening ear lately for various reasons and apparently I'm the resident counselor. Not that I mind at all. I love trying to help people get on their marry ways and get themselves to the next level.
The other day one of my friends lost their job. It's a big downer and it happens to most of us at some point in our lives. When she texted me the news, my brain instantly went into "Help Mode". A big flaw or mine or quality, depending on which way you look at it, is that I always put other people's needs in front of mine own. I've always operated this way and I think that it has served me well up to this point. Just recently, I've begun to think of what my words and advice are worth to other people I know. I just received a message from a friend this morning saying that he admires everything that I've been through in my life and how I've let the light shine through all my pain and strife. I tend to use my life as an example for people, to help them see that you ultimately can turn a negative into a positive and make it work for you. In this day and age, that's a hard thing to do, with all of the negativity out there.
The friend who lost their job texted me yesterday morning as I arrived at work. The message said something like, "This is a new week and a new start! Love you mucho! You are such a good friend and your strength inspires me!" So in turn, I messaged her this morning and said, "I hope you feel inspired today! Know whatever challenges you may face today, you are strong and confident!"
I think that as human beings, we tend to forget that we are all in this thing called life together. None of us is exempt from the trials and pitfalls that life brings our way. The important thing to keep in mind is how we react to whatever happens and getting beyond it. If you dwell on a problem too long, it's going to manifest itself deep inside and consume you until you can't think about anything else. It's up to you to find an outlet to release the stress and anxiety of whatever you are going through at the current moment.

I've found in my 29 years on this planet that the less you have, the better off you are. I recently finished a book titled, "The Shift" by Dr. Wayne Dyer. Dr. Dyer explains in this book how we basically come from 'nothing', to becoming 'something'. And after being something for a while, we go back to being physically nothing again. This book is one of those that you have to read with an open mind. He explains that this life is filled with people trying to get 'stuff'. Material and intangible things that represent us and who we are as individuals. He also says, as I've stated above that the more stuff we accumulate, the more stressed out our lives' become. Instead, he proposes that people should give away their 'stuff' and begin helping each other in different ways. We're all connected if you think about it, each of us are one giant family. The sad part is that most people aren't aware of this fact.
I try and treat people that I love and care for as family. Whether or not we're related is irrelevant. If I feel a kindred connection with you, I'm going to refer to you as part of my extended family. What else is there but love and kindness when you think about it? At the end of the day, that's all that should matter.
Life is short, don't waste it by spreading animosity and bad feelings among others. A bad attitude is like a disease, once one person gets it, they spread it around to as many people as it can reach. On the same token, a great attitude is that of the same. A smile, a hug, a kind word goes a long way.
Let's spread the "Good Disease" rather than the "Bad". Be a beacon of hope and inspiration to someone in your life and see how positive you life can really be.
The other day one of my friends lost their job. It's a big downer and it happens to most of us at some point in our lives. When she texted me the news, my brain instantly went into "Help Mode". A big flaw or mine or quality, depending on which way you look at it, is that I always put other people's needs in front of mine own. I've always operated this way and I think that it has served me well up to this point. Just recently, I've begun to think of what my words and advice are worth to other people I know. I just received a message from a friend this morning saying that he admires everything that I've been through in my life and how I've let the light shine through all my pain and strife. I tend to use my life as an example for people, to help them see that you ultimately can turn a negative into a positive and make it work for you. In this day and age, that's a hard thing to do, with all of the negativity out there.
The friend who lost their job texted me yesterday morning as I arrived at work. The message said something like, "This is a new week and a new start! Love you mucho! You are such a good friend and your strength inspires me!" So in turn, I messaged her this morning and said, "I hope you feel inspired today! Know whatever challenges you may face today, you are strong and confident!"
I think that as human beings, we tend to forget that we are all in this thing called life together. None of us is exempt from the trials and pitfalls that life brings our way. The important thing to keep in mind is how we react to whatever happens and getting beyond it. If you dwell on a problem too long, it's going to manifest itself deep inside and consume you until you can't think about anything else. It's up to you to find an outlet to release the stress and anxiety of whatever you are going through at the current moment.

I've found in my 29 years on this planet that the less you have, the better off you are. I recently finished a book titled, "The Shift" by Dr. Wayne Dyer. Dr. Dyer explains in this book how we basically come from 'nothing', to becoming 'something'. And after being something for a while, we go back to being physically nothing again. This book is one of those that you have to read with an open mind. He explains that this life is filled with people trying to get 'stuff'. Material and intangible things that represent us and who we are as individuals. He also says, as I've stated above that the more stuff we accumulate, the more stressed out our lives' become. Instead, he proposes that people should give away their 'stuff' and begin helping each other in different ways. We're all connected if you think about it, each of us are one giant family. The sad part is that most people aren't aware of this fact.
I try and treat people that I love and care for as family. Whether or not we're related is irrelevant. If I feel a kindred connection with you, I'm going to refer to you as part of my extended family. What else is there but love and kindness when you think about it? At the end of the day, that's all that should matter.
Life is short, don't waste it by spreading animosity and bad feelings among others. A bad attitude is like a disease, once one person gets it, they spread it around to as many people as it can reach. On the same token, a great attitude is that of the same. A smile, a hug, a kind word goes a long way.
Let's spread the "Good Disease" rather than the "Bad". Be a beacon of hope and inspiration to someone in your life and see how positive you life can really be.
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