Lori & Matt at the elk field. |
Last weekend, my close friends Matt and Lori tied the knot finally, after 8 years of dating! The week leading up to the wedding, I remember messaging Lori via Facebook and saying that this is what is getting me through the week, lol. The morning I was supposed to leave for St. Mary's, PA, which is up north of the state from me, about a three hour drive. I woke up at 4:30 in the morning to chills, a runny/stuffy nose and an achy body. I was determined to go to this wedding because I knew if I missed it, I'd look at everybody's pictures and regret not being there. So I went back to bed for four more hours and when I woke up, I did feel better, so I got in my car and started out. My co-worker Janet owns cabins about 10 minutes from where I would be staying so she gave me spot on directions that basically led me to my hotel in St. Mary's. As I got farther from my home in North Huntingdon, the landscape changed and everything looked more 'fallish'. The leaves on the trees were hues of browns, reds and oranges, falling off the trees. Highways turned into small, windy roads passing by farms and small towns. Truth be told, this drive was the first time I had ever driven that far, for that long by myself and I enjoyed the silence of just myself and the sights I encountered along the way. As I got closer to my destination, the fields of cows, horses and such had grown out to vast landscapes as far as the eye could see....think 'Little House on the Prairie , just more picturesque. I anticipated seeing my family for the next two days with what I'm sure would be nothing short of a great time.

When I got to Lori's parents' house, everybody was pretty much there: eating pizza, talking amongst each other and getting ready to go out on our first outing of the weekend to the Straub's Brewery for the brewery tour. One never thinks about how beer is actually made when you're drinking it, but we soon found out there's more to it than meets the eye.
Virginia & Matt at the Elk Co. Visitor's
Center |
We found them! |
It is definitely a process.....fermenting processes, going from room to room in below average temperatures, it was a great time! From the Brewery, we were off to the Elk County Visitors Center to look at the elk that inhabit the surrounding areas up there. Lori was so excited to show us some elk and hoped that some were out to make an appearance for us! When we got to the Visitor Center, you knew you were in farm country because of the smell! It was your standard farm smell that gave a rustic, outside feel to the venue. When we got to the overlook, where people could look down on the elk, our excitement was dampened by the fact that there were NO elk to be found! Determined to have the group see some elk, Lori asked family friend, Troy, where we could see some elk. Low and behold there was a field not far from the visitors' center that had a whole gamut of elk. When we got to the field, there they were, running around or lying in the grass. Troy knew the family that owned the property so we went past the 'do not pass' notice and got closer. It was really a sight to see....there's something about watching animals in their natural habitat that is so amazing to see. They didn't care whether we were there or not, they just did their thing. It was a great backdrop also to take some pictures of the happy couple as well:) After we saw the elk, it was off to a local winery to taste some of the local wines and spirits. Being under the weather, I didn't have any of the liquid spirits they had to offer, but the goldfish that they had there were very tasty, lol! After the wine tasting, the entire group went on the back porch to take a group shot. The perfect ending to a hectic afternoon!

That night, while practically everyone was at the rehearsal activities, I had a date with some Motrin, Vicks VapoRub & a Law and Order: SVU marathon. Around 10:30, my other friend, whose name is also Matt, but we all call him Milos, knocks on my door. After I let him in, he wanted to see how I was feeling, chatted for a minute and left. Five minutes later, my phone rings and it was Matt, the groom....I know, this is confusing! He asked if I had a pull out couch in my room and I did, so I said yes. He then, after a few minutes, knocked on my door, with his suitcase in hand...I had a roommate for the night! Now, I've known Matt for about 10 years, but it's funny, we never really had that many heart-to-heart talks and such that I've had with some of my other close friends. I shut off the light to turn in for the night and Matt started to talk about getting married, where his head was at the night before the wedding.....basically, on the cusp of being nervous/excited. We actually stayed up and talked for about an hour on various subjects & I appreciated this conversation that we had so much because in the process of it all, he told me that he really appreciates my friendship with him and Lori, and that he has my back no matter what. I told him that I appreciated that statement more than he realized. It's a big thing for me to hear that from someone....not many people in this life will tell you that they have your back, so I didn't take it lightly. Again, thanks for that Matt!

The day of the wedding, I went down to breakfast in the conference room, which Lori had reserved for our group to utilize that weekend. We all just were sitting around talking, everybody asking me how I was feeling, which was very comforting, and just enjoying the feel of being together, something we all don't get a chance to do a lot of now that life has happened and we all either have kids, are married or have priorities in our lives more important than just hanging out. When I arrived at the church with Milos' wife Virginia and his parents, I was overtaken by how extraordinary this church was. It was breathtaking on the inside; Neo-Gothic statues, huge stained glass windows and an old world charm that you can't find in many churches today. Once the ceremony began, the wedding party had started their entrances and before long, Lori made hers. She was beautiful, linked arm-in-arm with her father, marching down the aisle to give her away to the man she would soon call her husband. Now, I don't think that I am the only one who does this at wedding's but I tend to reminisce with myself on the first times that I met Matt and Lori, and reflected on how much they've grown up in 10 years. I met them when they were young and, not stupid, but just more 'kiddish' and childlike in their demeanor than they are now. In the moment they both were at the altar, I saw a shift in the way that both of them carried themselves, they had grown up into mature adults ready to begin an exciting life together. The ceremony flew by and then it was back to the hotel for a little down time before the reception at The Red Fern, a banquet hall that looked like an over-sized log cabin. I took a little snooze in my room and when I woke up, it was time to go. I splashed cold water on my face, and headed down to the bus that was being provided for all us party goers.

When we arrived at the reception, the venue was decorated very nice, with a rustic sort of feel, given off by the aroma of pine from the wood used in the facility. There were pictures of Matt & Lori at various points during their dating lives and of course, the vast amount of table for the guests. At my table, I sat next to Virginia, along with people that Matt and Lori went to college with. It was a little awkward at first, but isn't that usually the way when you don't people at weddings?! On top of it all, I wasn't feeling 100% and the temperature in the Red Fern was only at 68 degrees, so needless to say, I was trying to keep warm. After I got something to eat, I still was feeling chilly, for most of the night for that matter, but was still enjoying myself. The dances for the bride & groom and the rest of the wedding party were bittersweet really, no one likes to admit they cried at a wedding reception, and although I didn't cry, I was a little sentimental. Our friend Juraj, originally from Czechoslovakia, even performed for everyone by doing dances with axes and balancing various sized glass on a sword, which he held by his mouth. Nearing the end of the night, I was talking to Matt's friend Kyle and his wife Emily about my job, their jobs, etc. I suddenly was being called to the dance floor to be with Matt, Lori, Milos, Virginia and the rest of the people that I had come up to be with at this wedding. We all stood in a circle on the floor, arms around each other, just sharing an unforgettable moment in time. The song "Here's To The Night" by Eve 6 was playing. This song has followed me around for years in these kind of situations. During college, if I was at an event that had any sort of meaning, this song would be playing. When the song was over, the big day had finally come to a close. It was the perfect way to end a perfect day.

I know that in this life, at least I tend to believe that, we are all just spiritual beings have a very humanistic experience. Each of us is drawn to certain people, causes and situations that our souls feel are necessary to take us along the journey called life. Being able to find the one person in life that you can wake up next to, create a family with and build a solid foundation with is something that all people strive for. And even though, I myself am not currently dating or have someone special in my life, I'm not wanting for anything. I feel that right now, the best thing that I can be for people is a great friend and outstanding member of the human race. I know you can't pick your friends, and I don't even view my close friends as friends, I see them as my family. The truth of the matter is that having a family bond goes beyond that of blood, it's something much deeper and intimate than that. For Matt and Lori, I wish you all the things I wish for myself, health, happiness and many wonderful years together as husband and wife. Be good to one another and the rest will fall into place. And you know if you need me, I'm only a phone call away! Congrats guys!

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