So, about a month ago, my good friend Mike's wife, Katy, emailed me. It was regarding this program that her and Mike were doing called BeachBody. Perhaps you've heard of've probably seen the infomercials at some point for some of their products. To sum it up in a nutshell, BeachBody is a vast network of ordinary, everyday average individuals working towards a common goal --- to live a life that is healthy and to help others do the same. How do they do this you may be wondering? As I said before, BeachBody is just more than workout DVD's or "Sweatin' to the Oldies" w/ Richard Simmons (Remember those workouts???!). Anyway, BeachBody offers customers more than 10 different workout programs to suit everybody's different activity levels, health concerns and tastes. For example, for someone like me, who is advanced in weight training, I am going through the P90X workout currently with Powerhouse Trainer, Tony Horton. But for someone who wants to do more cardio and less weightlifting, the Insanity program offers an 'intense' cardio workout from Trainer, Shaun T. Like I said, there are no weights involved but you will surely work your butt off! And guys, just because you are not lifting heavy things around repeatedly, does not mean squat.....just ask my friend Mike! His progress in the past 70 days or so is phenominal......29lbs lost! WOO HOO! Keep at it brother!
Another important component in addition to the workouts is your nutrition. Nutrition is the #1 key to unlocking your fitness and health success...about 70-80% of the battle is held within this area, just to put it in perspective. BeachBody has got you covered here as well. Depending on your dietary and nutritional goals and calories/day, BeachBody has a variety of meal plans, tailered to help you eat healthy and balanced. To add to the meal plans, BeachBody has perfected a dietary shake for people who 'do not like eating their veggies' and's called Shakeology. Termed BeachBody's 'Healthiest Meal of the Day', this system has been created to aid individuals to lose weight and do it smartly. How it works is, Shakeology gently removes the toxins in your body in an efficient manner to help aid digestive and promote better absoption of essential nutrients that your body needs for everyday processes. If you want to check out the full Nutritional Facts, click here.

So how do you access all of this good stuff? Well, all one needs to do is to visit to get started and explore all of the goodies that BeachBody has to offer to you. Upon joining, you get access to the members area, where you are able to post before/after pics of your progress, track workouts in the WOWY gym and chart your progress each day/week, etc. There's also a blog where you can share you tips, successes, as well as questions for other BeachBody members so they can lend their advice on issues you are having with the process. That's what is great about this whole program, you aren't alone in this. Like I said there is an entire network of individuals at your fingertips cheering you on.....mainly because these people know and feel what you are going through because they themselves are doing the exact same thing. One thing that sets apart some regular members from others is the opportunity to become a coach like myself and my friends Katy and Melanie. Katy and Melanie are my coaches, guiding me and giving me their expertise in how to motivate and reach out to BeachBody members to help get them the best results that I can. Now coming from a fitness/health background, I figured that this business venture would be great to add to my repetoire and I have high hopes for where this will lead me in the next few months.
Another cool thing when you sign up to become a member is that you can participate in Fit Groups and Challenge Groups that take place right around where you reside. Challenge Groups are basically like group fitness classes at your local fitness center, only instead of a yoga or spinning class, you will be doing P90X, Insanity or one of the other BeachBody systems. By joining these groups, you gain a team of support from Beachbody members, coaches, etc. How do you become a coach? EASY! Just make the commitment to yourself that you want to help change the lives' of others and help to eradicate the problem of obesity in the United States. My goal for being a coach is simple at this point, I just want to help other people. I don't care about the comissions I earn, how many customers I have, mainly it's about spreading the fitness bug around. The more people helped, the better I feel about my potential as a Fitness Pro.
One of my favorite quotes is "It's not what the world holds for you, it's what you bring to it." What legacy do you want to leave behind? You get one shot, this is no rehearsal. The stage is set for you to recieve a standing ovation. I urge each and every one of you to look deep inside yourself and make the comitment to change. If not for yourself, for your family/friends or just to live a happier, more active life. If you are interested in BeachBody or have any questions at all, please feel free to visit my websites below or email me at Good night and God Bless:)
Another important component in addition to the workouts is your nutrition. Nutrition is the #1 key to unlocking your fitness and health success...about 70-80% of the battle is held within this area, just to put it in perspective. BeachBody has got you covered here as well. Depending on your dietary and nutritional goals and calories/day, BeachBody has a variety of meal plans, tailered to help you eat healthy and balanced. To add to the meal plans, BeachBody has perfected a dietary shake for people who 'do not like eating their veggies' and's called Shakeology. Termed BeachBody's 'Healthiest Meal of the Day', this system has been created to aid individuals to lose weight and do it smartly. How it works is, Shakeology gently removes the toxins in your body in an efficient manner to help aid digestive and promote better absoption of essential nutrients that your body needs for everyday processes. If you want to check out the full Nutritional Facts, click here.

So how do you access all of this good stuff? Well, all one needs to do is to visit to get started and explore all of the goodies that BeachBody has to offer to you. Upon joining, you get access to the members area, where you are able to post before/after pics of your progress, track workouts in the WOWY gym and chart your progress each day/week, etc. There's also a blog where you can share you tips, successes, as well as questions for other BeachBody members so they can lend their advice on issues you are having with the process. That's what is great about this whole program, you aren't alone in this. Like I said there is an entire network of individuals at your fingertips cheering you on.....mainly because these people know and feel what you are going through because they themselves are doing the exact same thing. One thing that sets apart some regular members from others is the opportunity to become a coach like myself and my friends Katy and Melanie. Katy and Melanie are my coaches, guiding me and giving me their expertise in how to motivate and reach out to BeachBody members to help get them the best results that I can. Now coming from a fitness/health background, I figured that this business venture would be great to add to my repetoire and I have high hopes for where this will lead me in the next few months.
Another cool thing when you sign up to become a member is that you can participate in Fit Groups and Challenge Groups that take place right around where you reside. Challenge Groups are basically like group fitness classes at your local fitness center, only instead of a yoga or spinning class, you will be doing P90X, Insanity or one of the other BeachBody systems. By joining these groups, you gain a team of support from Beachbody members, coaches, etc. How do you become a coach? EASY! Just make the commitment to yourself that you want to help change the lives' of others and help to eradicate the problem of obesity in the United States. My goal for being a coach is simple at this point, I just want to help other people. I don't care about the comissions I earn, how many customers I have, mainly it's about spreading the fitness bug around. The more people helped, the better I feel about my potential as a Fitness Pro.
One of my favorite quotes is "It's not what the world holds for you, it's what you bring to it." What legacy do you want to leave behind? You get one shot, this is no rehearsal. The stage is set for you to recieve a standing ovation. I urge each and every one of you to look deep inside yourself and make the comitment to change. If not for yourself, for your family/friends or just to live a happier, more active life. If you are interested in BeachBody or have any questions at all, please feel free to visit my websites below or email me at Good night and God Bless:)
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